A downloadable game for Windows

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Once upon a time, in a dark and mysterious cave, lived a little salamander. The salamander loved nothing more than the idea of chasing stars. He would hop around the cave, trying to invent new ways to catch them or remember old ones he had caught before.

But there was one problem: the salamander had forgotten what stars were. He had heard about them from his friends, who told him about all sorts of glowing adventures they would have together. But try as he might, the salamander just couldn't seem to remember what they were.

One day, the salamander met a beautiful female salamander. She noticed that he seemed troubled, and asked him what was wrong.

"I love the idea of chasing stars," the salamander explained, "but I can't seem to remember what they are. Can you help me?"

The female salamander smiled and said, "Of course. Stars are like adventures that we have for fun, usually with other people. They can be anything from exploring new places to trying new things. The important thing is to have fun and be curious!"

The salamander's eyes lit up with excitement. "That sounds great!" he said. "I can't wait to chase some stars with you!"

But as the days went on, the salamander began to notice that his friends were playing a strange and complicated game that he didn't understand. They would huddle together, speaking in hushed tones and rolling strange objects across a flat surface. The salamander tried to join in, but no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't seem to grasp the rules.

Eventually, the salamander realized that he might never understand this particular game. But he was happy to watch from the sidelines and cheer on his friends, and he knew that there were plenty of other stars to chase and adventures to be had.


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Salamander 6.3 MB


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It was fun to feel like I was playing with a salamander who didn't know the rules well but couldn't remember them.

It was sometimes a mystery why I could and could not touch the exploding people, but I finally cleared the game by hitting the space key repeatedly to get as many balls as I could in one go!

my os keeps marking it as a virus.

(im running on windows, its the stock antivirus software)

thank you for trying to play! we've had that problem too, but can't seem to find any solution that works on other pc's :/ did you get round it?

not really :(

ah that's a shame! if we manage to find a solution i'll message you x